Midnight moon

Wow! Winter is finally over here in Va and spring has finally arrived!!!! It’s so nice to finally be able to go outside in during the evening and just hang out. A few weeks ago I was coming home from hanging out with a friend around midnight and noticed the brilliant full moon.  So I pulled out my camera a just took a few shots. Thought I’d share them with you all. 



Bethany Beach

Every year for the past 10ish years my family has been vacationing at Bethany Beach. It’s been great to be able to grow up spending a whole week once a week with all my cousins (15 of us total), aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We have created so many memories and it’s always fun to go back and see just how much we’ve gown up. One of the my favorite things about our annual trip to the beach was the time I would get to spend with my grandmother. Nana, as all the grandkids called her, was the perfect woman and one of my favorite people to spend time with. She was a well of wise advise, cheerfulness, laughter, and encouragement. This January she passed away after a short  battle with cancer. I really miss her and going to the beach this year was heart wrenching. Mourning is good and it’s good for me to take time to miss her, but I know that as I continue to grow up she’ll be watching me. So these pictures are a dedication to Nana who always cheered me on to follow my dreams. 


Naming Game

So… I was at a friend’s house this morning and we were having a group conversation about the naming of instruments. And on the ride home I was like, “How cool would it be to name my camera!!!!” And then I though, “How cool would it be to see what my fellow bloggers and facebook friends would name it!!!!!” Please write your suggestions in the comment box and I’ll let you know what the final name is! Thanks people!


The Garden

A while back I was invited to go with a friend (actually she’s my cousin’s wife’s mom… but she’s also a good friend of mine and it less complicated to explain) to a teaching she was doing. I went and out hosts treated us like royalty!!!! This sweet older couple have such a love for the Lord that inviting people into their peaceful home is just a part of their nature. We had a wonderful time praying and enjoying the peace of that place! 



Reading Isaiah in the garden 


This little guy just struck me as the funniest flower I’ve ever seen… love it 🙂


Play Ball!

All the men in my family are HUGE sports fans and I’ve grown up going to many of my brothers’ sports games. At the beginning of summer my youngest brother had his last playoff baseball game (which, sadly, was the only game I was able to go to). As usual I brought my ever faithful camera and was able to take of few shots! Enjoy!

















Summer Summery

I can’t believe summer is actually over. My summer has been a whirlwind of changes and travels and of course LOTS of pictures. So now that I have a little bit of down time I’m going to attempt to blog many of the pictures I took that way you can see all the cool things I got to do. (Try really hard not to be jealous… jk!) Looking back over the last 3 months or so I am overwhelmed with all the good changes God is bringing me through.

  • a new job
  • the chance to moving in with my best friend 🙂
  • awesome new friends
  • interning and becoming friends with with and amazing photographer
  • learning more and more about God’s love for me
  • becoming closer to my whole family

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner places behind the inner curtain where Jesus has gone before us on our behalf, having become a high priest forever.” Heb. 6:19-20



(Photo courtesy of Tori Watson )

Field Trip to Mesta Vista

My younger sister has worked at Mesta Vista, a therapeutic riding center, for several years now and on occasion I tag along with her to take pictures of the horses. I always enjoy get a chance to capture the beauty of the horses and the joy of the people riding them. This last time I was at Mesta Vista a group from Capital One had a sort of field trip. It was so much fun to be there to photograph their riding experience!!! 


Beach Day

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Alex’s Graduation

I love it when I happen to have my camera on hand and get an chance to capture priceless moments! This was one of those times!!!!









Volleyball Match

A good chunk of my childhood was spent at different siblings’ sporting events. I was dragged to every baseball practice and game and on the weekend I attended every single game. Normally, an entire Saturday was spent at the baseball field since each of my 3 brothers were on different teams and everyone had a game on Saturday. As I got older I got more independent and frequented the sporting events less and less till I hardly went at all. Now, my schedule is such that I can’t go even if I wanted to. However, a few weeks ago my brother and his volleyball team had a match and I was able to take my camera and watch the game. Here are a few of the shots I took!
